Monday, November 30, 2009

One bad thing...

...about Christmas parades is that they do not repeat on demand.

Sorry boys.

But really, tractors, old cars, horses, race cars, snow men, motorcycles, monster trucks, Santa, candy, and fire engines (complete with sirens)---what more could a boy want?

Well, besides the french fries and chocolate shakes after the parade.

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

I can just hear Pete saying "Again, again!" Hard lesson to learn :) Looks like fun!

mskroski said...

Wow, I guess it is the season already. Nice parade. Glad to see you have time together.The boys look very happy.

TUTU Monkey said...

Maybe a red rider bb gun......:)....:0...Oh I love that movie

Looks like fun!!

my little buttercup said...

Fun! I love Christmas time!