Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Lovely Day

The boys' artwork

One week ago the family took to the hills for the Lake County EcoArts Sculpture Walk. This is a County Park we have hiked at before, but never during the EcoArts season. For the past seven years, artists have displayed their work along the hiking trail (summer season). Some of these contributors are professional artists and some are local school students. We attended the opening of the EcoArts trail this year. The theme is "In Dialogue with Nature".

It was fantastic. The adults (Jeremy and me) got to stroll around looking at art. The kiddos got to run around on the trails, play in the "interactive" exhibit (a big pit containing sticks, pinecones, smooth white stones, rocks, etc). We were greeted by a lovely woman handing out guides and red parasols (to protect us from the sun and heat---though it was a beautiful day, not too hot for even this time of year here). At the end of the trail there was a drumming circle and the boys very willingly took part----shaking, drumming and dancing. Also at the end of the trail, the organizers had set up a big tent where all were invited to create a piece of art (canvas, paints, crayons, pencils provided) and then pick out a frame. So, as was explained, everyone could go home with a framed piece of art. How cool. Kingsley painted (his canvas as well as his face and hands) and Charlie opted for crayons (and Papa's help).

Maybe the best part of the day was the last part. At the entrance of the park a local riding center provided guided horse back rides. Just a week prior to this, Kingsley rode a horse for the first time (at this same riding center's grand opening) and LOVED it. He was thrilled to be able to ride a horse again. This time he was paired up with Little Red. Every day since, if you ask Kingsley if he has a favorite animal, he promptly replies, "I like horses", or "I love horses". Needless to say, we will be looking in to some riding lessons for kiddo (or at least some fun rides).

I find myself needing to apologize (I am sorry) as I am bunching most of the pictures in groups. I have been having a difficult time posting pictures without it taking much effort and editing. The pictures depict some of the art work along the trails, the boys in the interactive art exhibit, Kingsley with red parasol, the drum circle, the boys creating their art to take home, and Kingsley riding----of course.


The Killingbecks said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. What a neat idea!

Alliegatorfables said...

How fun. You look great and the kids are as cute as ever!!!

Erin said...

Sounds like a fun day! I'm guessing that Charlie had some help drawing that 3-dimensional box?

TUTU Monkey said...

HOW FUN!!!!! What a great day!!

Miss you guys!

Kelly said...

Ha Erin! I thought the ex-math teacher may notice that. :) Yes, it was definitely a collaborative work. I actually got a little upset because I just wanted Charlie's artwork in it---oh well, maybe next year.

Anonymous said...

A lovely day indeed, what a great event! Looks like you all have a lot of fun. The boys are so stinking cute, just want to squeeze them! Hugs to all!

Ashley said...

Have I mentioned I miss you lately? It looks like you guys had a great day, I am so glad. I can't believe how big your boys are!