Sunday, May 3, 2009

My little boy---

is growing up!

This is the required potty post that most, if not all, blogging Moms must write at one point (or another). Kingsley peed on the potty for the first time today (twice!). I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Firstly, because I knew he would be so proud when it finally happened (and he is). Secondly, because I was beginning to be a tad worried (who me?) that it may never happen (or that he would be the only one in kindegarten in diapers).

I have tried really hard to step back and let Kingsley take the lead---this approach has not failed me in the past. However, the worrier and the control-freak in me do not like letting the laid-back, whatever happens...happens Mom take over. I don't think I will ever stop worrying. I don't think anyone will ever describe me as laid-back. But, Kingsley is teaching this old dog a few new tricks whether he realizes it or not. The big trick is realizing I don't have to control everything and that's OK. These big milestones will happen all in good time. The other big trick is realizing when to step back, slow down and just enjoy the ride (instead of constantly looking at the next goal). All in good time, all in good time. And, really, what is the rush?

Who would have thunk it? I am endlessly trying to get Kingsley to RELAX---and here he is teaching me how to do it instead.

Another first for this household today: My wonderful and fabulous Mom-in-law purchased a crock pot for me (its been on my wish list for a little while now). We used it for the first time today---stupendous. How did we get along without it? Thank you Nana!


April Curry said...

Congrats Kingsley! Big boy! Mmm a crockpot. We love ours! Have fun with it!

Ashley said...

That is so great Kelly, you are seriously one of the best LAIDBACK mommas I know! Kingsley and Charlie are so lucky to have you!! And YAY KINGSLEY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kingsley! And yes, crockpots are fantastic. I think I make hot beef, bbq pork, hot turkey, etc about once a week. So easy, just let it cook over night, and it feeds Jeff for several days! Enjoy!

my little buttercup said...

Yay Kingsley, way to go! And yay mommy, congrats on the crock pot:)

TUTU Monkey said...

Got to love the Crockpot!!

Pee Pee dance for the Kingster!

Jane said...

Yay, Kingsley!!! Kelly-you are the best. We miss you so much! Enjoy the crock of the best inventions. :)

Nat said...

Yay Kingsley! So proud! And congrats on the crock, too! I love crock pot cooking- chop, dump and leave it. Awesome! I love your short hair, too- made me want to chop my own off...

The Killingbecks said...

Congrats Kinglsey and Momma! Aaron and Kingsley are a lot alike. I went through so many of the same feelings. They are so full of surprises! We miss you guys.