Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's new?

Well, it isn't really new news---it's old news. My procrastination that is. I am hoping to get back into the blogging groove again this week. As usual, I have so much I want to share here. For now, I leave you with our first successful family picture since Charlie arrived on scene. A feat that has only been attempted a few times, with very poor outcomes. Thank you Nana for snapping the shot!


Janis said...

You all look great!

Ashley said...

I agree!! Is this the front of your house? It's adorable, love the HUGE pinecones :)

Ashley said...

I agree!! Is this the front of your house? It's adorable, love the HUGE pinecones :)

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT photo! Can not believe how big Charlie is. He is a BOY now, wow! Miss you guys!

TUTU Monkey said...

You guys look GREAT!! The boys look SO MUCH alike!! We sure miss you guys.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Barley Family said...

I love it! You guys are a beautiful family!! Hmmm, you have two boys...I have 2 girls about their age.... :)